C&S Tile News Archives

  • Nuance Series

    C&S Tile is proud to present Nuances! A monolithic series in 6 colours: Antracite, Bianco, Cielo (Blue), Grigio, Nero and Salvia (Green). Stocked in a matte finish and in large format, 24×48; Nuance will add a splash of colour to

  • Abacus Series

    Abacus is a collection of expressive colourful wall tiles. It is stocked in a unqiue 3″x8″ size with a glossy and a ribbed glossy finish. Colours available are Calce, Carbone, Petrolio and Piombo. Combine the finishes to add texture to

  • Oros Stone Series

    Oros Stone is a porcelain tile inspired by a special type of quartzite from Greece. This versatile tile is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications and you can further explore its design range with a special 3D piece. Stocked